Full Body
Full Force
Lower Body
Upper Body

30'' ON/30'' OFF x 6' : Intro

  • '1: Machine 
  • '2: Walkout + Push Ups 
  • '3: Air Squat 

Amrap - 6' : All in One

  • 8 Barbell Front Squat 
  • 1 Barbell Thruster 
  • 8 Barbell Push Jerk 
  • Descanso 20'' 

Amrap - 6' : Bodyweight

  • 8/8 Jumping Lunges 
  • 20'' Plank In and Out 
  • 10 Sit-Ups 
  • Descanso lo necesario

Complete 3 Rounds in 6' : Push Accessory

  • 8/8 DDB Alt. Incline Press 
  • 6/6 SDB Shoulder Press
  • 6/6 DDB Opener Chest 
  • Descanso 20''
  • *Realizo todo con el mismo peso

Every Minute x 6' : Banded

  • '1: 
  • Max Banded Air Squats
  • '2: 
  • Max Banded Side Steps
  • '3: 
  • Max Banded Touchdowns

Complete 3 Rounds in 6' : Strong Knees Accessory

  • 7/7 Ankle Mobilization 
  • 5 Heels Elevated Goblet Squat 
  • 4/4 Narrow Squat + Lateral Lunges  
  • Descanso lo necesario
  • Objetivo: +3 Rounds

Amrap - 6' : Primary Movements

  • 4/4 Good Morning + Reverse Lunge 
  • 5/5 Swivels 
  • 5 DKB Floor Press 
  • 4 Sit-Ups 
  • Descanso 20''

Every 90'' x 6' : Traditional Cardio

  • 30'' Machine 
  • 4 Bumper Ground To Overhead 
  • 6/6 Jumping Lunges + Diagonal Bumper Rotation 
  • 8 Bumper In-Out 

Complete 4 Rounds in 6' : Midline Stone + Combat

  • 6/6 MB Single-Leg Hook 
  • 30'' DKB Guard Hold 
  • 10 Sprawl to Guard 
  • Descanso 15''

Every 2' x 6' : Unilateral Power Upper

  • 30'' DKB Overhead Hold 
  • 10'' Plank Shoulder Taps 
  • 3 Clapping Push Ups 

Amrap - 6' : Intro + Mobility

  • 2 rondas:
  • 5/5 T-spine Rotation 
  • 10 Scapular Push Ups 
  • Amrap:
  • 8 Goblet Biceps Curls 
  • 8 SKB Overhead Triceps Extensions 
  • Descanso lo necesario 

30'' ON/30'' OFF x 6' : No Impact Flow

  • '1: SKB Sumo Deadlift High Pull 
  • '2: Side Kick Through 
  • '3: KB Rotational Swing 

Amrap - 6' : Legs Complementary

  • 10 Banded Air Squats 
  • 6/6 Banded Lunges 
  • 8 Barbell Good Morning 

Complete 10 to 5 in 12' : One Way

  • - DDB Burpees 
  • *Entre rondas ejecuto:
  • 3 Jumping Chin Ups 

Amrap - 12' : Pull + Quads

  • A: 
  • 6/6 DKB Alt. Bent Over Rows  
  • 8 DKB High Pull  
  • Descanso 20''
  • B: 
  • 6/6 DKB Lunges 
  • 5 Jumping Squats 
  • Descanso lo necesario.

Complete 7 Rounds in 12' : DDB Work

  • 7 DDB Deadlift 
  • 5 Sprawl Jumps 
  • 3 DDB Man-Maker 

Complete 4 Rounds in 12' : Upper Body

  • 5 Narrow Grip Floor Press (Desafiante)
  • Descanso 20''
  • 5 Narrow Grip Floor Press (Desafiante)
  • Descanso 20''
  • 15 Banded Triceps Push Down
  • 4 Push Ups 
  • Max Push Up Hold Descanso lo necesario

Every Minute x 12' : Bodyweight + Machine

  • '1:
  • 15 Squat Jump
  • '2: 
  • Max Machine
  • '3:
  • 6/6 Good Morning + Reverse Lunge
  • '4:
  • 15 Sprawl Jumps
  • '5: 
  • Max Machine
  • '6:
  • Elegir un ejercicio y volver a hacer.

Complete in 12' : Lower Building

  • Aumento progresivamente o mantengo un peso desafiante
  • Completar 2 Sets:
  • 5 Barbell Front Squat
  • Completar 3 Sets:
  • 4 Barbell Front Squat 
  • Descanso lo necesario entre sets
  • Si me sobra tiempo, Amrap:
  • 5/5 SKB Single-Leg Squat to Box
  • 4/4 DKB Front Rack Lunges 
  • Max Goblet Squat Hold 
  • Descanso 30''

Amrap - 12' : Lower + Upper

  • 5/5 Banded Diagonal Steps 
  • 5 Banded Hammer Biceps Curls 
  • 4/4 Banded Kickback 
  • 4/4 Banded Punches
  • Descanso 30'' 

Complete in 12' : Lower

  • 2-4-6-8-10:
  • - Banded Touchdowns 
  • - Banded Squat 
  • - Banded Lunges 
  • Luego, Amrap:
  • 30'' Machine
  • 5 Goblet Squat 
  • 6 Sprawl Step In and Out + Jumping Jack 

Complete 2 Rounds in 12' : Structure

  • 10/10 SKB Single-Arm Swing 
  • 20'' SKB Flutter Kicks 
  • 20 Single-Leg Glute Bridge 
  • 20 V-Sit Ups
  • 20''/20'' Single-Arm Plank Hold 
  • 40'' Hollow Rock To Tuck Up 
  • Descanso 15''

Every 2' x 12' : Bodyweight

  • 5 Squat Jump 
  • 6 Burpees 
  • 7 Sprawls 
  • 8 Toes to Bar 

Complete 5 Rounds in 12' : Complex

  • 8 DKB Bent Over Row +
  • 30'' DKB Farmer March 
  • 16 Box Dips 

30'' ON/30'' OFF x 12' : Intro

  • '1: MB Prisoner Squats 
  • '2: Plank In and Out 
  • '3: MB Press Jack 
  • '4: Plank Shoulder Taps 
  • '5: MB Push Press 
  • '6: Plank Get Up 

Complete in 12' : Glutes Work

  • Completar 5 Series: 
  • 8 Barbell Hip Thrust (Moderado) 
  • 6/6 DDB Front Rack Lunges 
  • Descanso lo necesario 

Amrap - 12' : For Quality

  • 12 SKB High Pull 
  • 10 Lateral Flys *
  • 12 TRX Row 
  • 10 Hand Release Push Ups * 
  • *Entre rondas alterno con.
  • - Bulgarian Squat (Por lado)

Amrap - 12' : Back+ Flys

  • A: 
  • 6 Tempo Barbell Back Squat (Down) 
  • 8 Squat to Kneel Down 
  • Descanso 20'' 
  • B: 
  • 5 Barbell Shoulder Press (Desafiante)
  • 10 Banded Shoulder Press 
  • Descanso 30'' 

Complete in 12' : Mind Breaker

  • 100 Air Ball 
  • Cada 10 Air Ball, Realizo:
  • 5 V-Sit Ups 
  • 3 Walkouts 

Complete 4 Rounds in 12' : Lower Body

  • 10 Barbell Sumo Deadlift (Moderado)
  • Descanso 20''
  • 8/8 SKB Single-Leg Deadlift 
  • 20'' Banded Good Morning 
  • 10/10 Quadruped Kickback 
  • Descanso lo necesario

Amrap for Quality in 12'

  • 12 DKB Sumo Deadlift
  • 6/6 DKB Farmer Lunges
  • 6/6 Goblet Cossacks
  • 20 Seated Banded Abduction
  • 6/6 Banded Quadruped Abduction + Fire Hydrant
  • Descanso 30''

Complete in 12' : Upper Building

  • Aumento progresivamente o mantengo un peso desafiante
  • Completar 2 Sets:
  • 5 Barbell Bent Over Row 
  • Completar 3 Sets:
  • 4 Barbell Bent Over Row 
  • Descanso lo necesario entre sets
  • Si me sobra tiempo, Amrap:
  • 5/5 DKB Alt. Bent Over Rows 
  • 4/4 Alt. Deficit Push Ups 
  • 15'' Superman Dynamic Arms 
  • Descanso 30''

Complete in 12' : Cardio

  • Completar 2 Rondas:
  • 20'' Standing Knees to Elbow   
  • 10'' Plank Get Up  
  • Descanso 30''
  • Luego, Amrap: 
  • 5 Russian Swing 
  • 4 KB Sumo Deadlift 
  • 30'' Machine 
  • Descanso 20''

Complete in 12' : Extreme Cardio

  • 5 Rondas:
  • 50'' Machine 
  • 10 KB Swing 
  • 4 Rondas:
  • 40'' Press Jack 
  • 8 SKB Sumo Deadlift High Pull 
  • 3 Rondas:
  • 30'' Sprawl To KB Squat Jump 
  • 6 DKB Push Press 

Every 2' x 12' : StrongFit

  • 30'' Plank Jack 
  • 20 Alt. Tuck Ups 
  • 60 Heel Touches 
  • 60 Mountain Climbers 

Every 2' x 12' : Leg Power

  • 4/4 DKB Reverse Front Rack Lunges 
  • 15'' Banded Side Steps 
  • 4 Banded Jumping Squats 

40'' ON/20'' OFF x 12' : HIIT

  • '1: 20''/20'' SKB Single-Arm Swing + Pull 
  • '2: 20''/20'' SKB Single-Arm Push Press 
  • '3: Sprawls 
  • '4: Sit Ups 

40'' ON/20'' OFF x 12' : Lower Bodyweight

  • '1: Squat to Kneel Down 
  • '2: Jumping Lunges 
  • '3: Double-Thrust Sprawls 
  • '4: Mountain Climbers 

Complete in 12' : Legs Pump

  • 12-12-10-10 KB Sumo Deadlift 
  • 15-15-12-12 Goblet Squat 
  • 12-12-12-12 Single-Leg Box Ham Curl 
  • Descanso lo necesario entre series 

Every Minute x 6' : Bodyweight

  • 5 Touchdowns 
  • 4 Burpees 
  • 10 Jumping Jacks 

Amrap - 6' : Pull + Squat

  • 8/8 SKB Bent Over Row 
  • 5/5 DKB Front Rack Lunges 
  • Realizo ambos ejericicos con un peso desafiante,

Complete in 6' : Finisher Bumper

  • 30 Bumper Ground To Overhead  
  • 30 Bumper Overhead Lunges 
  • 20 Bumper Overhead Sit-Ups
  • 20 Burpees To Bumper 

Every 2' x 6' : Lower Body Accessory

  • 8 Barbell Glute Bridge
  • 12 Banded Glute Bridge Hold + Abduction
  • 10/10 Banded Clamshell

Complete 5 Rounds in 6' : Unilateral

  • 4/4 Lunge to Heiden
  • 8/8 Pulse Lateral Lunges
  • 10''/10'' Front Leg Raise Hold

Complete in 6' : Pull Finisher

  • 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 
  • Weighted Strict Chin Ups 
  • Entre repeticiones ejecuto:
  • 1 Barbell Biceps 21 
  • 3 Barbell Reverse Biceps Curls 
  • 3 Barbell Reverse Tempo Biceps Curls   
  • 4 Tempo Barbell High Pull (Down) 
  • Descanso lo necesario

Amrap - 6' : Bodyweight

  • 5 Calf Raises 
  • 10'' Skipping 
  • 4/4 Reverse Lunge 
  • 10'' Mountain Climbers 

Every Minute x 6' : Intro

  • '1: 30'' MB Toe Taps 
  • '2: 10 MB Thrusters 
  • '3: 10 MB Deadlift 

Complete in 6' : Midline On Fire

  • 80 Bike Sit Up 
  • 70 Heel Touches 
  • 60 Alt. V-Sit Ups 
  • 50 Prayer Crunches 
  • 30 Sit-Ups 
  • 20 Tatun Sit Ups 

Every Minute x 6' : Intermittent

  • 20'' Burpees Over The Bar (7 reps) *
  • 20'' Skipping To Lateral Jump
  • El numero de repeticiones es un ideal * 

Every 2' x 6' : Upper Pump

  • 30 Banded Hammer Biceps Curls 
  • 30 Banded High Pull 
  • 8-10 Push Ups 

25'' ON/5'' OFF x 6' : Unilateral Sport

  • '1: SKB Single-Leg Deadlift 
  • '2: Platform Toe Taps 
  • '3: SKB Single-Arm Swing + Pull 
  • Cambio de brazo en los 5'' de descanso

Amrap - 6' : Legs Finisher

  • 20” Wall Squat Hold 
  • 6 Squat to Kneel Down 
  • 10 Air Squat