- Amrap - 7' : Banded Power
- 20''/20'' Pallof Lateral Steps
- 10/10 Banded Punch Row
- 10 Reverse Crunches
- Descanso lo necesario entre rondas
- Every Minute x 7' : Core
- '1: 8/8 Alt. Back Extensions
- '2: 7/7 SKB Suitcase Deadlift
- '3: 40'' Wall Squat Hold
- Último Minuto:
- - Elijo uno de los tres
- Amrap - 7' : Pull Accessory
- 10'' Prone Bar Hang
- 4 Strict Chin Ups
- 10 Banded Pull Down
- 2 Strict Pull Ups
- Descanso 30''
- Objetivo: +3 Rondas
- Complete 5 Rounds in 7' : Unilateral
- 6/6 SKB Single-Leg Squat to Box
- 4/4 Jumping Bulgarian Squat
- 2/2 Goblet Box Step Up
- Descanso 15''
- Amrap - 7' : Intro
- 10/10 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 8 Kneeling Banded Reverse Flys
- 8 DKB Floor Press
- Descanso 30''
- Complete 3 Rounds in 7' : Push Accessory
- 4/4 DDB Alt. Z-Press
- 6 DDB Curl & Press
- 4 DDB Three-Way Flys
- Descanso 30''
- Amrap - 7' : Lower MB
- 30'' Machine
- 5/5 MB Toe Taps
- 6 Air Ball
- 7 MB Deadlift
- Amrap - 7' : Unilateral
- 15'' KB Ballistic Row
- 8 SKB High Pull
- 15'' Grasshoppers
- Descanso 40''
- Every minute x 7' : Midline Stone
- 8 SKB Swing (Hardstyle)
- 6 KB Deadlift
- 3 Sprawls
- Amrap - 7' : Primary Movements
- 4/4 Goblet Cossacks
- 4/4 Figure 4 (En el lugar)
- 5/5 SKB Bent Over Row
- 4 Sit-Ups
- Descanso 20''
- 45'' ON/15'' OFF x 7' : Traditional DB
- Primer Minuto:
- - DDB Farmer March
- Luego, 3 Rondas:
- - DDB Gunslinger
- - DDB Burpees *
- *Ronda 2: DDB Devil Clean
- *Ronda 3: DDB Devil Press
- Complete in 11' : Leg Power
- Completar:
- 5-5-4-4 Tempo Barbell Back Squat (Down)
- 3/3 TRX Single-Leg Squat (Bajo lento)
- Amrap:
- 20' Banded Toe Squat Abductions
- 5/5 Banded Heidens (Distancia)
- Descanso lo necesario
- Complete 6 Rounds in 11' : Old School
- 5 Toes to Bar
- 10 MB Overhead Sit-Ups
- 15 Air Ball
- Desafío: +7 Rondas
- Complete 3 Rounds in 11' : Upper Body
- 4 Barbell Bent Over Row (Desafiante)
- Descanso 10''
- 8 Barbell Bent Over Row (Liviano)
- Descanso 20''
- 10 SDB Pullover
- 8 SDB Hex Biceps Curls
- Max Barbell High Pulls
- Descanso lo necesario
- 40'' ON/20'' OFF x 11' : HIIT
- '1: DKB Squat
- '2: Squat to Kneel Down
- '3: KB Swing
- '4: DKB Farmer Lunges
- '5: DKB Front Rack March
- Último Minuto:
- - DKB Wall Squat Hold
- Complete 5 Rounds in 11' : Bodyweight
- 15 Box Dips
- 9 Sprawl Jumps
- 12 Pulse Squats
- Complete in 11' : Lower Deload
- Aumento peso o mantengo un peso moderado
- Completar 4 Series:
- 4-6 Barbell Sumo Deadlift
- Descanso lo necesario entre series
- Si me sobra tiempo, Amrap:
- 15'' Banded Toe Squat Abductions
- 15'' Banded Pulse Squats
- 5/5 Banded Lunges
- Descanso 20''
- Every Minute x 11' : Intro
- '1: 30'' Machine
- '2: 10 MB Ground To Overhead
- '3: 8/8 Platform Lateral Skipping
- Últimos 2 Minutos:
- 30'' Squats In & Out
- 20 MB Push Press
- Complete 6 Rounds in 11' : Bodyweight
- 2 Jumping Pull Ups
- 5'' Pull Up Hold
- 2 Burpees
- 15'' Jumping Jacks
- 2 Jumping Pull Ups
- 2 Burpees to Target
- Amrap - 11' : StrongFit
- 10 DDB Z-Press
- 10 DDB Skier Swings
- 20'' DDB Overhead Hold
- 20'' Tall Plank Step In and Out
- Amrap - 11' : Bodyweight
- 5 Air Squat
- 4/4 Runner Lunges
- 3 Kneeling Push Ups
- 10'' Scissor Kicks
- Descanso 30''
- 20'' ON/10'' OFF x 11' : Banded
- 5 Rondas:
- - Banded Jumping Squats
- - Banded Pulse Squats
- 5 Rondas:
- - Banded Quadruped Side Steps
- - Banded Sprawl Jumps In and Out
- Último Minuto, 2 Rondas:
- - Banded Narrow Squat + Lateral Leg Raises
- Complete in 11' : Intense Natural Movement
- 60 Touchdowns
- 60 Heidens
- 20 Beast to Jumping Squat
- 20 Side Kick Through
- *Opcional: repartir las repeticiones en el orden deseado
- Complete in 11' : Hard Work
- Completar 3 Rondas:
- 5 DDB Man-Maker
- 7 DDB Front Squat
- Luego, Amrap:
- 9 Walkouts
- 11 DDB Push Press
- 13 Sprawls
- Descanso lo necesario
- Complete 4 Rounds 11' : Lower Body
- 12 DDB Front Squat (Liviano)
- Descanso 20''
- 8/8 Goblet Box Step Up
- 8/8 Single-Leg Squat to Box
- 10'' Goblet Pulse Squat
- Descanso lo necesario
- Amrap for Quality in 11'
- 8 DKB Front Squat
- 6/6 Goblet Cossacks
- 15'' Goblet Squat Hold
- 10/10 Bouncing Curtsy Lunges
- 10/10 DKB Front Rack March
- Descanso 30''
- Complete in 11' : Everyday Hero
- 00:00-04:00: Amrap:
- 14 Goblet Squat
- 7 Sprawls
- 04:00-08:00: Amrap:
- 14 Air Ball
- 7 Burpees
- 08:00-11:00: Completar:
- 30 Sit-Ups
- 30 Banded Pull Apart
- Complete in 11' : Upper Deload
- Aumento peso o mantengo un peso moderado
- Completar 4 Series:
- 4-6 Narrow Grip Floor Press
- Descanso lo necesario entre series
- Si me sobra tiempo, Amrap:
- 5 Tempo Barbell Skull Crusher (Down)
- 1 Barbell Biceps 21
- Descanso 20''
- Complete 8 Rounds in 11' : Extreme Cardio
- 30'' DDB Hops
- 6 DDB Skier Swings
- 4/4 DDB Overhead Reverse Lunges
- 2/2 Half-Turn Burpee
- * Cada 2 Rondas realizar:
- 30'' Machine
- Every 2' x 11' : Complex
- 10 Banded Hammer Biceps Curls
- 10 Banded Shoulder Press
- 10 Banded Triceps Extensions
- Suelto la banda y realizo:
- 20 Russian Swing
- Último minuto:
- Max SKB High Pull (Ideal 15 Reps)
- Every minute x 11' : Extension Day
- 5 Back Extension With Arm Lift
- 5/5 Alt. Back Extensions
- 10 Russian Swing
- Complete in 11' : Cardio
- Completar 2 Rondas:
- 20'' Stiff Leg Vertical Jumps
- 20'' Bird Dogs
- Descanso 30''/40''
- Luego Amrap:
- 5 Bumper Squat Press Out
- 30'' Machine
- 4 Bumper Bent Over Row + Front Flys
- 30'' ON/30'' OFF x 11' : Traditional & Machine
- 2 Rondas:
- '1: Goblet Push Press
- '2: KB Swing
- '3: Goblet Squat Jump
- '4: Walkouts
- '5: Sprawlees
- Último Minuto:
- - Machine
- Every Minute x 7' : Intermittent + Machine
- '1: 15'' Machine (Velocidad)
- '2: 20 Toe Taps
- '3: 20'' Platform Skipping In & Out (Velocidad)
- Último Minuto:
- 30'' Jumping Lunges
- Every Minute x 7' : Gymnastics
- '1: 30'' Prone Bar Hang
- '2: 15 Superman Dynamic Arms
- Último Minuto:
- - 5/5 Single-Leg Toes to Bar
- Amrap - 7' : Lower Accessory
- 10 Heels Elevated Goblet Squat
- 8/8 Goblet Lunges
- 10/10 Banded Side Steps
- Descanso 20''
- Amrap - 7' : Glute Burn
- 8/8 DKB Farmer Bulgarian Squat
- 6/6 Tempo DKB Bulgarian Squats (Down)
- 10''/10'' Barbell Bulgarian Squat Hold (sin barra)
- Descanso 20''
- Amrap - 7' : Lo-Fi
- 2-4-6-8... Walkout + Push Ups
- 1 Barbell Curl 21
- Descanso lo necesario entre rondas
- Complete 3 Rounds in 7' : Push Finisher
- 6 Incline Barbell Bench Press
- 8 DDB Incline Pinch Press
- 5 Decline Push Ups
- Descanso 30''
- Amrap - 7' : Flow
- 00:00-06:00:
- 20'' Bumper Oblique Twist
- 5 Bumper Ground To Overhead
- 6/6 Loaded Beast To Front Steps
- Último Minuto:
- Max. Machine
- Amrap - 7' : Upper + Midline
- 15'' Bumper Oblique Twist
- 4 Sprawls To Bumper
- 4/4 Plank Bumper Drag
- 15'' Bumper Hollow Rock
- Descanso lo necesario
- Amrap - 7' : Midline On Fire
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 10'' Hollow Hold
- 10 Alt. Back Extensions
- 10'' Superman Hold
- Amrap - 7' : Midline + Upper
- 5 Lateral Flys
- 4 DDB Biceps Curl + Press
- 5/5 Stiff Leg Dead Bug
- 4 Tuck Ups
- Descanso 20''
- 30'' ON/30'' OFF x 7' : No Impact
- '1: 15''/15'' SKB Gunslinger
- '2: Bike Sit Ups
- '3: SKB Sumo Deadlift High Pull
- '4: Flutter Kicks
- '5: Squat Hold + Halo
- '6: Reverse Crunches
- '7: Goblet Squat + Calf Raises